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After a week of training, I was blown away by the dedication and attitudes of the staff at our partner organization Girls Inc. Each day, they shared with us their stories and the connections they’ve made over the years with girls during camp.  Despite the sometimes lengthy and heavy material covered, they kept the training both lively and informative. After a week of the training, I can say that I am more excited than ever to assist during the STEM camp. 

Training also gave me a chance to reflect on the role I have as a mentor and facilitator in a summer camp for young girls. We not only are a part of the instruction of material, but also have the opportunity to build connections. Until this training, I had little concept of the role of mandated reporters, but after going through extensive training with the Girls Inc staff, I understand the responsibility. Even though I’ve done numerous summer camps throughout the years, there is so much more that goes into it than I ever thought. While I was initially overwhelmed, the staff assured me that they would be there to support all the Duke Engage students in both our lesson plans and everything else that goes into camp.