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The DukeEngage experience doesn’t end after the summer program or project is over. Reunion and re-entry events keep students connected, and Program Directors share ongoing opportunities for continued engagement.

Whether you’re eager to stay connected with your community partner or looking for guidance as you incorporate an experience into your academic path, DukeEngage Program Directors and staff can offer advice and support.

Fortin Foundation Fall Reunion

The Fortin Foundation Fall Reunion is designed to help each DukeEngage cohort reflect, share, and celebrate lessons learned from a summer of intentional community partnership. Group reflection time, thought-provoking speakers, group presentations, and a celebration of learning encourage students to forge paths of purpose connecting them to the greater Duke community and beyond.

guiDE Program

DukeEngage guiDEs are our student leaders. They serve as ambassadors, peer advisors, and representatives. guiDEs are passionate (and honest) about their experiences, and committed to DukeEngage values.

guiDEs are invited to:

  • Share their experiences with prospective DukeEngage applicants
  • Advise students throughout the application process
  • Participate in special projects
  • Speak with Duke alumni and Board members
  • Apply to serve as preceptors for the Fortin Foundation DukeEngage Academy ($15/hour)

Brodhead Fellows

Sophomores and juniors who have participated in DukeEngage and are interested in a second summer of civic engagement focused on issues in the United States are eligible to apply for a fellowship with the Brodhead Service Program.

Through an eight-week independent project, Brodhead Fellows contribute to local problem solving in a community of their choice, deepen their understanding of social issues, learn more about the role of nonprofits in addressing pressing human needs, and strengthen their commitments to civic engagement in their personal and professional lives. Fellows receive 1:1 mentoring from Duke alumni and create an e-portfolio of civic engagement goals, experiences, and reflections.

Brodhead Fellows receive a living stipend, and the summer earnings requirement is waived for Fellows on financial aid. The program funds up to five students each summer.

The Brodhead Service Program prioritizes:

Telling Your DukeEngage Story

When you return to Duke after a summer of DukeEngage service, you may decide you want to tell your story to others. Writing, illustrating, video, photography — these are all excellent options for deeper reflection. They’re also valuable materials that will contribute to your personal brand now while you are an undergraduate … and in your future career. The reflection work that you create now can become part of your academic portfolio and your professional resume.