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For many of us as college students, this may be the last summer we ever spend in our hometowns. 

At Duke, I have had a lot of time to reflect on the schools that I attended growing up. Therefore, when my program at the WISER school in Kenya was cancelled, I immediately began thinking about how I might be able to apply similar themes to a project in my hometown. 

Growing up in a white suburban town, it wasn’t until college that I learned about events like the Tulsa Massacre or took my first Asian American history class. Although I am grateful for these experiences, I know that for many people high school may be the last time they formally learn about US history in their lives. 

Therefore, through my project I’m hoping to channel a lot of the frustration that I face with the lack of diverse narratives displayed in our history textbooks and curriculums. Working with the principal and the English and social studies department chairs from my high school, one of the main things I am doing is identifying goals for the high school in regards to diversity and equity. I have also begun compiling a list of resources that support curricula for English and social studies courses.

So far, I do feel a bit overwhelmed in terms of how much I will realistically be able to get done in 8 weeks, but I am extremely grateful that educators in my town have been so receptive to my ideas so far. 

Looking forward, I am feeling invigorated and encouraged about the work that I will be doing. I am also excited to learn more about how curriculum is developed, especially on a local level.