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Welcome to UpLearn!

Published by Alex Raghunandan
This past week I started my internship at the Scalabrini Refugee Center in Cape Town, South Africa. I am working …
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Searching for Sugarman

Published by Bennett Burnes
In the hyper-connected world that we live in, it is difficult to contextualize the isolation that the apartheid brought.  However, …
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Group of students on top of mountain

Free Fall

Published by Andrew Zheng
You know, I don’t think I ever really considered how transformative climbing a mountain could be. I’ve climbed two of …
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Hope In the Future

Published by Andrew Zheng
I consider myself an optimist; however, when I think of the future, I can’t help but be a bit pessimistic. …
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My Midway Mindset

Published by Bennett Burnes
This midway point in my Duke engage experience has largely been a point of reflection, contemplating what I have gained …
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My Notes App

Published by Carolyn MacLeod
“Rape is not about sex. Rape is about power.” I quickly tapped this quote from an office coworker into a …
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A picture of the author inside the Constitutional Court of South Africa

You’re Gay? That’s Okay!

Published by Andrew Zheng
I’ve seen my fair share of the world, good and bad. So I have grown to expect everything and anything. …
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statue of mandela in Pretoria, South Africa

Politicizing the Apolitical

Published by Andrew Zheng
America is apolitical. Americans try to be apolitical – to separate their lives from politics. “Oh no,” they say, “I …
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