“Cross the line if you have ever went to sleep hungry because your family didn’t have food”
“Cross the line if you are or have ever been homeless”
I stood there and watched numerous girls before me take a few steps and cross the line, faces filled with emotion. On one hand, I wanted to go forward and give them a hug, but on the other, I had to respect the rules of the game and wait until it was finished. “Cross the Line” is an activity that Girls Inc. runs every year to allow the girls to open their hearts and bond through shared experiences. Ultimately, this activity is to show the girls that they are not alone in their lives.
Cross the Line was truly an eye-opening experience that changed the way I viewed the girls and the organization as a whole. On most days of camp, I would have never guessed that these girls have gone through such harsh circumstances because of their constant joy and excitement in my classes. In addition, this has changed the way I look at Girls Inc. because only now do I really realize how many opportunities it has given the girls and how much it has impacted their lives for the better.
For many of the girls, camp is an escape where they don’t have to worries about money, issues at home, or food. Although they sometimes complain about waking up early and being tired, camp is a haven where they can be worry-free and express themselves. Going into the last week of camp and knowing what I know now, I want to make it the best week of their summers.