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A Benediction of Discomfort

Published by Lily Koning
Last weekend, our group visited Peter Storey, a former bishop in the Methodist Church. We sat in a circle in …
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The Learning Never Stops

Published by Chinemerem Nwosu
When I arrived Duke, I was appalled to find out that no African language courses were offered. There is a …
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trees and path


Published by Amika Ekanem
New Orleans borders the Mississippi River; this is a great location for trade. Great trade locations also mean great plantation …
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Single Stories

Published by Lily Koning
On one of our last nights in Johannesburg, we made a startling discovery: it is exceedingly difficult to find ice …
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Remembrance and Forgetting

Published by Lily Koning
On our second day in Johannesburg, our group visited the Hector Pieterson Museum, which commemorates students’ role in Soweto protests …
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The Value of a Passion

Published by Meg Hancock '20
A History major, an Art major, and an English major all walk into a bar; they get ridiculed for pursuing …
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border wall

Coming to the Wound

Published by Axel Herrera Ramos
As an undocumented immigrant, I am highly familiar with the impacts of being undocumented. Making the decision to come to …
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A new perspective

Published by Erik Gregorio
Being part of the Latinx community, I used to think that I was aware of immigration issues. I thought I …
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