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Pausing Ecotourism in Neltume

Published by Cameron Jarnot
In Neltume, Chile, the Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve’s mission is “to protect and conserve the Temperate Humid Forest, integrating the …
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two people smiling holding drinks

Only in Seattle

Published by Emma Harold
The past 2 months, we have seen things on the street that are completely novel to us, anything from a …
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rain falling

Environmental Accountability

Published by Lauren Howell
Cabo Verde received its name due to its bountiful and beautiful greenery. However, the effects of climate change have resulted …
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young woman with two halves of an open coconut

Loving Limahuli

Published by Ella Head
Three weeks in and I have had 3 sunburns, opened countless coconuts, and have started on an endless journey of …
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