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Learning from Change

Published by Natalie Kubicki
Originally, I thought that the work being done this summer would be creating curriculum for local middle schoolers about environmental …
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Week #4 Reflection

Published by Pippa Lother
There’s definitely been a huge shift in my personal life with the loss of my mom. I had to miss …
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Reflections (No Beef)

Published by Jacob Kowalick-Allen
Going into this summer opportunity, I felt pretty sure of what I would be doing on the farm. I have …
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Halfway through the Chile Project

Published by Jonathan Pertile
It’s been four weeks since I started this journey. I wouldn’t exactly say it’s been the easiest thing I’ve ever …
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Cliches and companionship

Published by Amber Lemmons
When I envisioned myself working at FJI this summer, I was riding the bus with other DukeEngage students to work …
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Week 4 – A Change of Plans

Published by Maria Saavedra
At the halfway point of my DukeEngage experience this summer, my future assignments look much different than what I was …
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