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Apprehension and a Change of Pace

Published by Kimberly DelSignore
I wish that in the days preceding my departure from Pittsburgh to Ahmedabad, I had felt some semblance of excitement …
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The Heart of a Stranger

Published by Kristiana Gambuti
It has been two weeks in Costa Mesa and it feels like I have been here for so much longer. …
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people posing


Published by Peining Yang
It’s been a busy week since we arrived in Seoul, South Korea. Our guesthouse sits in a quiet alley just …
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two hands with intricate henna designs

One Week in Kochi, India

Published by Arthi Kozhumam
Tuesday, May 29th. Today, after a presentation on PRS (Palluruthy Relief Settlement), we went to tour the establishment—we won’t be …
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group of young people posing for photo in front of a large, colorful mural


Published by Qaiser Mahmood
Arrival Thank God that my flight was able to make it to Miami on time despite all of the inclement …
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