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Letters to DukeEngage-DC

Published by Cameron Wu
This summer has been full of amazing memories, and I’d like to recognize the people and programs behind those memories. …
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Learning on the Job

Published by Cameron Wu
This summer, I am interning at the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy. As a health policy think tank, the Margolis …
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Perspective on Climate Legislation

Published by Katie Ridgway
Mobilizing people to act on behalf of the environment is difficult because in terms of conservation and preservation, it’s often …
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Bridging the Gap

Published by Nicole Kastelic
I’ve been doing a lot of listening this first week, and in doing so I’ve developed a much more robust …
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Cut it with the Jargon

Published by Katie Ridgway
How many times in my academic career at Duke have I heard an acronym or phrase, had no idea what …
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