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Laughter Has No Language

Published by Loren Breen
About halfway through our program, we were invited to the Child Friendly Spaces teacher training. Not wanting to appear ungrateful …
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large apartment building

A new issue

Published by Aanan Henderson
When I first arrived in Boston I was really interested in understanding the complex and nuanced issue of urban poverty …
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Street festival

No Rest for the Weary

Published by Megan Wong
Another week has gone by, and it seems as if each week is passing more quickly than the one before …
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Week 1 – Disorientation

Published by phyllis
On a similar river cruise in Interlaken (Switzerland), the air was cleaner and I only recall being all at once …
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South African lentil curry

Culinary Connections

Published by D.J. Chatelaine III
(This blog is from the Summer of 2016.) Food is an incredible gift. A source of energy, nourishment, and life, …
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Measuring Impact

Published by Maggie Xing
(This blog is from the Summer of 2016.) It’s been a while since my last post! Three more camps have …
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