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DukeEngage students play basketball with students in Zhuhai 2016

Oh the places you’ll go

Published by Raquel Levy
Week 3 came and went so quickly, I don’t even know where to begin. We did so many exciting things, …
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DukeEngage student teaching in Kolkata


Published by Sydney Jeffs
Part I (Thursday continued…) In vibrant reds and blues the backs of trucks read: “Blow Horn Please.” The request is …
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Two DukeEngage students teaching in Kolkata

Excerpts from my diary

Published by Sanjukta Santra
To all of my loved ones who eagerly await my blog posts for their deep, analytical, witty, personal, beautiful, and …
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Bar Farouk Cabaret Show

Published by Kevin Wang
Friday night. While exploring different clubs, bars, and all that is Beirut nightlife is interesting, on this night, we were …
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Fourteen Saints A-Dancing

Published by Riya Dange
Of all the questions I thought I’d ask, “That’s a tortilla?” was definitely not one. Growing up in California, I …
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Taxi Cab Drivers of Amman

Published by Khalouk
It’s five weeks in and, of all the experiences that I originally anticipated having in Amman, I never would have …
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Looking Inward

Published by Ben
Our discussion last Saturday began with each of us opening up about our worries, hopes, and expectations for the trip. …
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