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Detached from Reality

Published by Anna Chulack
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” – George Orwell, Animal Farm   On Thursday …
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An info graphic about the DukeEngage Portland group's schedule

Branching Out Portland: Week 6

Published by Elizabeth Allen
Dinner & Discussion | Nakisha Nathan, from the Sierra Club, talked to us about her path to becoming a community …
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Reflecting on a Year

Published by Belanie Nagiel
This past week we participated in a college panel for a group of incoming high school juniors that were part …
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Final Figures

Published by Jackie
Our work at the Case de Santé is coming to a close as we’re wrapping up the program; and as …
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View from boat ride to Ko Kho Khao from Ban Nam Khem DukeEngage Thailand

Buddha’s Birthday

Published by Stephanie Prufer
(This blog is from the Summer of 2016.) Buddha’s birthday, which is also his enlightenment and death day, is celebrated …
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DukeEngage South Korea Team 2016

Final Thoughts

Published by Ana
(This blog is from the Summer of 2016.) This last week full week in Seoul was very eventful. We had …
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Photo of and quote from Solo Simon Gama

Ethics and Resistance

Published by Aliyah Salame
(This blog is from the summer of 2016.) We spent our first week in South Africa not in Cape Town …
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