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ULwimi: Language and the tongue

Published by Bennett Burnes
Having grown up in such a linguistically homogenous society as the United States – and particularly suburban California – language …
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Language as a Barrier and Catalyst

Published by Akshay
Language is an integral part of how humans communicate. The ability to accurately and effectively express oneself allows for the …
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A map of where A21 has offices currently

The Language We Use

Published by Kristiana Gambuti
As an English major, I have always been fascinated with words. With the weight they carry. With the influence they …
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Portland Vocabulary

Published by Hazel Horvath
Learn the language. Learn the culture.   Even having spent only 72 hours in the city of Portland, I have …
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We are all a bit lost looking for food, but James looks the most picturesque while being lost.

Lost in Translation

Published by Youlim Kim
Week 1 Stepping into Incheon Airport was low-key terrifying. Five of us had arrived at the same time, with me …
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blue promotional poster with three photos

Welcome to the Coon Carnival

Published by Ashleigh Smith
The word “coon” is heavy with history. But whose history determines how heavy? In America, the word “coon” is met …
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words on a whiteboard surrounded by students

Naming the Feeling

Published by Sara Yuen
As a linguistics major, I am often questioned about my subject of study. It’s a reasonable inquiry! Language is a …
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