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After 8 Weeks

Published by Sadhana Suryadevara
As my DukeEngage summer comes to a close, I am thinking forward about what comes next. Because I am planning …
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Learning from Change

Published by Natalie Kubicki
Originally, I thought that the work being done this summer would be creating curriculum for local middle schoolers about environmental …
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view of sun breaking through clouds

The Local-Foreigner

Published by Young Park
Why do I feel so comfortable here? Standing on the tram during my daily morning commute, I watched the familiar …
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Recognizing my Ignorance

Published by Nick Simmons
I used to have a clear conception of how I got to Duke. I took hard classes, worked diligently, and …
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Remember today and tomorrow

Published by Dorothy Alexis
05/26/2017 It’s my third day in Washington, DC; however, this entry is about yesterday. Last night, I went to this …
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