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A Virtual Reality

Published by Andrew Lee
  Virtual: almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition. The five of us were …
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Consistency is Key!

Published by Andre Hall
As we near the end of our DukeEngage experience, I’m left thinking about the future. How uncertain times are right …
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A Halfway Reality Check!

Published by Justine Cronk
       The halfway point! I feel like it was just last week when I sat down to write …
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Gavel smashing hand cuffs

Just the Beginning!

Published by Cidian Edwards
Criminal justice reform is something that I have become very passionate about since my time attending Duke University. However, my …
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Welcome to the Working Week

Published by Brooke Bowen
The first week of DukeEngage flew by. As I adjusted from my unstructured quarantine summer schedule to working full time, …
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Expectations vs. Reality

Published by Caroline
It is inevitable that many of our expectations preceding our entry into the unknown are influenced by the implicit biases …
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Unwanted Help?

Published by Nicholas Portuondo
Although it feels like forever, only seven weeks ago I was an excited and giddy DukeEngage participant starstruck by a …
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What have I gained?

Published by Ayana Crawl-Bey
As my time at DukeEngage San Francisco comes to a close, I have tried to think about the takeaways I …
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Looking Back

Published by Clara Yoon
As DukeEngage Miami comes to an end, I wanted to take the time to reflect on the past two months …
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