A collection of images shared by Megan Zhao (’21) and Anna Kasradze (’21) from the 2018 DukeEngage cohort in Russia.
Above: On a weekend trip to Moscow, Anna (T’21) and Megan (T’21) discover the marvels of Husam Chaya’s sculpture, “Echo in Moscow.” It is currently located in the Moscow’s landmark Park Zaryadye, which is divided into four zones, each representing one of Russia’s four climatic zones: forest, steppe, tundra, and floodplains. The sculpture itself rivals the Chicago Bean! (Taken by Megan Zhao T’21)
A trip to Peter and Paul Fortress also means a visit to St. Petersburg’s historic “Hare Island.” Here, rising sophomore Anna Kasradze poses with one of the many guardians of the island. (Taken by Megan Zhao T’21)
Above: Megan (T’21) enjoys the ocean breeze coming off of the Gulf of Finland in the gardens surrounding Peterhof Palace. (Taken by Anna Kasradze T’21)
Megan Zhao (T’21) sees the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg for the first time. Talk about a great first impression! (Taken by Peter Candelora P’21)