Learn More
DukeEngage* is an eight-week immersive summer program that places Duke students in global communities addressing critical social issues.
Through DukeEngage, students work with communities to develop solutions and create positive change, guided by Duke faculty and local partnering organizations. Additionally, students participate in critical reflection throughout the summer — unpacking their experiences, learning about the context of their work, and considering why this work matters and what it means for them moving forward. There is no cost for the program; all living expenses are covered.
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Get Information
Summer 2025 general info sessions took place on Sept. 3, 11, and 23.
View a recording of our virtual info session on September 23rd to learn more about applying for DukeEngage, and to hear from alums about their DukeEngage experiences!
Aug 30: Spark Summer Resource Fair (1:15 – 4 pm, Penn Pavilion)
Sept 12: BSA 101 Resource Fair (3 – 4:30 pm, Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture)
Sept 17: Academic Resources Fair (4 – 5:30 pm, GA Down Under)
Oct 18: Family Weekend presentation (1 – 2 pm, Penn Pavilion)
Oct 22: Majors Fair (1 – 4 pm, Penn Pavilion)
Oct 30: Summer Experiences Fair (1 – 4 pm, Penn Pavilion)
DukeEngage Days is your opportunity to learn about each of our programs through program-specific info sessions. You’ll hear directly from the Program Directors—the ones who design the programs, read applications, and might spend a lot of time with you if you join. Plus, many sessions include students who’ve done the program before, offering firsthand perspectives.
DukeEngage Days for summer 2025 programs took place October 7-24, 2024. If you have questions about a program after reading the program profile, contact the Program Director(s).
We would be glad to talk with you!
Email DukeEngage@duke.edu with any questions, or to set up a time to talk.
We’re ready to help with questions like…
- What’s the difference between program A and program B? I can’t decide which to apply for.
- I’m not sure if I’m eligible.
- I [or my family] have safety concerns.
- I’m not sure how to answer this application question.
- I have a question about the registration requirements. My situation is unique.
- What’s the commitment during the spring semester? Can you tell me more about the DukeEngage Academy?
We can connect you with DukeEngage ambassadors (students who have completed the program) to answer questions like…
- What did you want to get out of DukeEngage? Did you use DukeEngage to fulfill any curricular requirements?
- How did you decide which program to apply for? Did you talk with the program director before applying?
- How did you approach the application?
- What was your experience like? What was hard? What was fun?
Other sources of advice:
- FAQs on this page and on our Applying and Preparing pages
- DukeEngage Program Directors (contacts listed on each program page) are happy to answer questions about their own programs – e.g., What is a typical day like? How will I know which organization I’m working with? How would my [race/gender/sexual orientation/disability/health issue/allergy/religion] impact my participation in this program? I’m not sure if my language level is good enough. (And just for fun, here’s a glimpse of why DukeEngage is near and dear to their hearts.)
- Trinity College Global, Civic, and Cross-Disciplinary Advisors can help you discover other programs and opportunities at Duke, decide whether this is the right year for you to apply, and discuss how to fit several programs into your four years at Duke.
- Academic departments can answer questions about whether a specific DukeEngage program will fulfill a curricular requirement.
DukeEngage might be right for you if you’re looking to fully immerse yourself in a small community, instead of a way to travel to an interesting place or take side trips. It might be right for you if you’re looking to increase your knowledge about the social issues affecting your community, and to grow as a person, a student, and a citizen. It might be right for you if you’re looking for more than just an internship, and you’re excited about devote evenings and weekends to DukeEngage activities. DukeEngage is not for academic credit. Feel free to contact us to discuss your questions and hesitations!
DukeEngage funds all program-related expenses, including…
- Transportation to and from the program location
- Required vaccines and recommended prescription medications, if needed
- Visas, if needed
- Lodging and meals during DukeEngage*
- Transportation and fees for all official program activities
In addition, if you participate in DukeEngage, the Financial Aid office will waive your expected “student contribution” and replace it with grant aid during the following academic year.
DukeEngage does not cover the following:
- Obtaining or updating a passport
- Ground transportation to the originating airport
- Privately purchased travel insurance, if needed
- Personal medical expenses or medical supplies
- Personal activity that falls outside the DukeEngage official program activities, including excursions planned by DukeEngage students
* Lodging will be booked by DukeEngage and will be modest (in most programs, roughly the equivalent of a dorm). Most participants have access to kitchen facilities, shop for groceries, and prepare their own meals. Meals are usually covered via a stipend, which varies by program site due to being tailored to the specific needs and cost of living for each site.
DukeEngage participants are not allowed to receive funding from other sources for their DukeEngage experience.
FAQs: Eligibility
Please see the DukeEngage eligibility policy on this page.
Historically, approximately 25% of applicants to DukeEngage programs are rising sophomores, 50% are rising juniors, and 25% are rising seniors. There are no quotas, and most program directors want a diverse team.
There is no right or wrong time to participate in DukeEngage. Students who participate as rising sophomores often find that the experience guides and shapes the rest of their Duke experience in meaningful ways. On the other hand, students who participate as rising seniors often bring a strong sense of purpose, and see the experience as a culmination of their Duke trajectory.
FAQs: Program Requirements (Pre, During, Post)
Accepted students must agree to complete all mandatory pre-program requirements during the spring semester and prior to DukeEngage:
- Registration (submitting all requirements by the stated deadlines)
- Two more more program-specific orientation sessions (scheduled by the program director)
- Fortin Foundation Academy (a series of seminars on a Saturday in April, plus a spring convocation event)
- Training on interacting with minors, and a criminal background check (if applicable to your program)
- Pre-program reflection survey
- Any additional requirements specified by your program director or by DukeEngage
If accepted, you will be expected to:
- Be present and participate for the entire duration of the program (as defined by your program’s published dates)
- Commit to full-time work with your community partner (without pay)
- Be fully focused on DukeEngage, including evenings and weekends. DukeEngage is not just an internship. To create a truly transformative experience, most programs schedule several activities per week that help students to see the bigger picture in a community or around a social issue and to reflect on how the experience is impacting them and the community.
- Participate in reflection and cultural enrichment activities scheduled by your program leaders, including for example regular check-ins, structured reflection sessions, blogging, and community building activities
- Commit to maintaining behavioral standards established by DukeEngage, starting with the Duke Community Standard
DukeEngage participants are expected to:
- Complete a post-program survey by the established deadline
- Attend a fall reunion/reflection meeting organized by their program director
- Participate along with all other students in the Fortin Foundation DukeEngage Reunion in September or October
FAQs: Program Cancellation, Withdrawal, & Termination
DukeEngage cannot provide any assurance that the program will occur as described. Changes may be required as deemed necessary or advisable by Duke in light of health, safety, or security considerations or the programmatic interests of the programs.
Students who voluntarily withdraw or are withdrawn from DukeEngage will not receive the DukeEngage designation on their transcripts, and may be required to reimburse Duke for any expenses incurred on their behalf.
Duke may terminate its agreement to allow a student to participate in DukeEngage at any time if a student is found to be in breach of the Participation Agreement.
Still have questions? We’re here to help. Send us an email at dukeengage@duke.edu.