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Throughout our trip, we have enjoyed dishes prepared with fresh vegetables, meat, and rice bought at local markets. Therefore, my experience with the restaurant culture has been very different. As a large group, we have experienced long waiting times even with meals advertised to be fast food. This week I have been thinking a lot about perspective and its true definition. As I have thought about how appreciative I am to live in the United States, I have found myself rethinking my American perspective and making an effort to understand the Cabo Verdean perspective. When having a conversation with a student studying English at Santiago University, I was asked if I enjoyed their famous dish, katxupa. I responded that it was not my favorite and I was missing some foods from home. For example, I think I would pay over twenty dollars for a cheeseburger from cookout. However, when she explained to me that she preferred Cabo Verdean cheeseburgers over American ones, I was truly shocked. To her, the difference was that their meat was reliable. It was unprocessed and fresh versus artificial and filled with unhealthy tasty flavors. Once I thought about why she enjoyed this food I was able to expand my perspective to beyond just wanting to receive food within less than five minutes. Instead of questioning why anyone wouldn’t want to live in a country where you can receive food so quickly that is so tasty, I began to see answers to the question of why someone would want to live in a country that has a culture of fast food. As I have spent more time here, I am beginning to open my mind to see different perspectives. Because of this, I am thinking outside of my American bubble and being open to learning and discovering more about how truly beautiful and wonderful Cabo Verdean culture is.