How to Prepare
“Challenge yourself. Change your world.”
How do you prepare for an experience that may be life-changing?
How do you make sure you’re ready to contribute in meaningful ways?
How can you plan for the unknown?
We’ll help you sort through these questions and many more with structured pre-departure training and lots of links to resources (articles, movies, TED talks, books, etc.).
Many of the communities with whom we partner have experienced historic marginalization and have identified areas in which they welcome the opportunity to work with you. The more prepared you are, the more you’ll get out of the experience and the more you’ll be able contribute to the work of your community partner.
All participants attend pre-departure meetings with their group, to receive valuable information about the culture and context of their specific DukeEngage program. These required meetings are the best way to prepare yourself for your specific program.
You will also receive basic training for your experience through the Fortin Foundation DukeEngage Academy.
Each of our programs, in the U.S. and abroad, offers unique opportunities to understand social, economic, and cultural differences. Some differences will be more visible and others will be more subtle. These pre-departure training events provide you with the tools to approach your engagement thoughtfully, no matter where you serve.