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Even if you think you know what to expect, you never really do. I thought I knew what I was coming to in Tucson. I thought I was aware of everything I needed to know. I thought that because this was my community I couldn’t be any more prepared for this, but I wasn’t.

Early on in the program, I realized that I did not know all sides to the immigration debate since I was unaware of the struggles of the Tohono O’odham community. I did not know the daily aggressions they suffered at the hands of Border Patrol. Later, I realized I did not really know the experience of my community in Tucson since I did not know how heavy the presence of Border Patrol was. I felt like this entire time I knew nothing. I think now I know why Socrates said: “All I know is that I know nothing.”

Sometimes it’s easy to forget the struggle of the people when you sit on privilege. Sometimes it may also seem exhausting to learn all aspects of an issue. Sometimes it may seem like we are not moving forward. However, we cannot stop because racism, discrimination, xenophobia, and bigotry do not take breaks.

Now more than ever, we must take stands against those who seek to separate and destroy communities and families the way ICE and border patrol are doing. Tucson reminded me of who I am and why it is that I want to fight and continue to do so. After all, al norte venimos a triunfar.