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The World War II Museum

Published by Olivia Lee
I love museums. Absolutely love them. For every type of art, history or science I am there. On trips, I …
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sushi bar sign

Equipped with Lens and Pen

Published by Lara Breitkreutz
Now in Seattle, after years of idealizing a city in a part of the country that I had only experienced …
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Summit of Volcan Villarica, with 12,293' Volcan Lanin in the distance

Our Final Climb

Published by Ethan Ready
Greetings from the South of Chile! I’m Ethan, a rising Junior from Chapel Hill, writing the last blog for our …
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If you look closely, you can spot DukeEngage Chile on a sand dune.


Published by Nathan Shaul
Hello! My name is Nathan, and I’m writing this blog to share with you the busy, exciting week that DukeEngage …
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nice pic of capitol building

Lessons from DC

Published by Pete Polonsky
For this post, I will share a few things I have learned from a month of living and working in …
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New Confidence

Published by Morgan Bird
During my first week at the National Association for Campus Activities (NACA), I settled into the Columbia community, the organization, …
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Bridging the Gap

Published by Nicole Kastelic
I’ve been doing a lot of listening this first week, and in doing so I’ve developed a much more robust …
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