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DukeEngage Zhuhai Week 4

Published by Sua Cho
#1 This week’s topic was sports. For my class with Gianni, we shared with the students a video of a …
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DukeEngage Zhuhai Week 3

Published by Sua Cho
#1 I worked with Elise on a presentation of how to effectively use virtual backgrounds to teach over zoom. Before …
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The Bigger Picture

Published by Eric Huey
With the third week of our program coming to an end, many of the hardships of teaching online have been …
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DukeEngage Zhuhai Week 2

Published by Sua Cho
#1 This week’s topic was restaurants and food. The question of the day was, “What is your favorite food?” From …
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DukeEngage Zhuhai Week 1

Published by Sua Cho
#1 Before starting my first week of DukeEngage Zhuhai, I began with the first step to every successful project: research. …
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Post 7 – Calming Rhythms

Published by DanielSong
The final week of our DukeEngage program has arrived, and I don’t think the reality of the fact we are …
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roller coaster made out of paper

Back to Middle School

Published by Sakura Anning Yoshihara
First full week of DukeEngage – check. Bright and early on Monday morning, Girls Inc. training began. We spent two …
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school children surrounding college students in classroom smiling

Week 5: Class Dismissed

Published by AthinaVrosgou
What happened in my first class on Wednesday was something I really had not prepared for. This week marks the …
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school children giving happy hand signs

Making the Magic Happen

Published by Megan Wong
I am a huge fan of the Harry Potter series. I’ve read all the books and seen all the movies …
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My Fifth Week In China

Published by J
Coming upon the conclusion of my fifth week in China, I find myself in a new state.  No longer do …
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