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DukeEngage Durban, South Africa

Published by Guillermo Zacarias Breuer
It feels surreal that two out of the eight weeks of the DukeEngage Durban project have already gone by. It …
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two adults and four young children walking along a dusty road, mountains in background

Finding a Common Ground

Published by Steve Boland
Outside of our DukeEngage-Durban group, we have only encountered one other person from the United States. The Wentworth area and …
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group of young adults posing for photo

South Africa’s Youth Day

Published by Taji Phillips
I arrived in Durban, South Africa exactly two weeks ago from today. So far, I feel as if I have …
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young man surrounding by school children

I’m Different

Published by Owen Zighelboim
You’d think that I’d make it farther than the airport before I had to pay myself out of trouble. But …
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The teachers of Assegai Primary School in South Africa

The Audacity to Dream

Published by Travis J. Closs
(This blog is from the Summer of 2016.) It’s astounding to me that my time here in Durban is nearly …
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Closing Remarks

Published by Lesley Chen-Young
(This blog is from the Summer of 2016.) [A personal message shared to community members and SDCEA cohorts at their …
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The Myth of the American Utopia

Published by Travis J. Closs
(This blog is from the Summer of 2016.) Amazingly, we have crossed the halfway point here in Durban, and although …
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