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Not Quite Enough

Published by Grace Y. Cai ' 19
[Conversation with a vegetable stall owner, in Mandarin] “What kind of vegetables are these?” “Are you Chinese?” “Uhh, yes.” Great. …
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Published by Qasim Hadeed '20
He stands still, but that is not what defines his state, even though his eyes mirror his posture, but also …
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church and blue sky

It’s a Hot One Today

Published by Jerry Moncus
I walked up to the cashier with my ice cream bar in hand. “Okay, Harrison. You’ve done this before. You …
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group of young people standing in front of a wall of inspiring words

First Week @ BIRN

Published by Alli Fisher 19'
An attempted assassination of Montenegrin Prime Minister by Russian nationalists. Continued conflict between Serbia and Kosovo. Croatia’s largest retailer on …
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Published by Brian Englar
(This blog is from the Summer of 2016.) For the third consecutive summer, DukeEngage has sent a group of Duke students …
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Helping Hand

Published by James Wang
(This blog is from the Summer of 2016.) “Burger?” A refugee came to my window of the Info Park “No, …
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DukeEngage Serbia student with NGO Atina

Women Hold Up Half The Sky

Published by Elena Lokman
(This blog is from the Summer of 2016.) I’ve grown up around very passive women, so I have always thought …
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Cultural Barriers

Published by Grant Goettel
(This blog is from the Summer of 2016.) I think the biggest culture shock I have had so far is …
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