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Young man smiling with an older man and woman


Published by Nina Kuprasertkul
The Process At first, I only knew of Daa as a friendly face, the boy would give me a wide …
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Of Goats and Sheep

Published by tvishadola
Every morning I wake to the sound of goats screaming at each other on the compound. The sound resembles a …
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two women smiling and posing for the camera

Adding Life to Days

Published by janelramkalawan
Palliative care is often abridged to ‘end-of-life care’. It’s how the field was first introduced to me. I heard these …
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A Dream and A Nightmare

Published by nishauppuluri
I realized I was going to miss Turrialba Through a haze of mojitos and love. I watched the midwife’s bare …
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We all have mental health.

Published by Beau Blass
Our departure from Waddington Street Centre was celebrated just as our arrival: with a quiz. That first round of questioning …
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Personal Space

Published by Chelsea Liu
A physician at Beijing Tiantan Hospital once remarked that Chinese people who go abroad often feel very lonely. I thought …
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young child sitting with female health worker

Por Dicha

Published by jordanrichardson
My final day in Costa Rica was marked with many tearful goodbyes and promises of visits and staying in touch. …
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Embracing Discomfort

Published by Kanav Chhabra
When people would ask me what I would be doing in Ecuador, I would have a conversation that looked like …
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