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A train moving too fast is an apt description of our current notions of progress.

The Problem of the Runaway Train

Published by Michael Cao
The first class I attended at Duke was a seminar called “Globalization and Corporate Citizenship” led by Dirk Philipsen, a …
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A COVID-19 poem

Published by Victoria McReynolds
staring through a computer screen eyes straining videos buffering pets barking and meowing   pressing the mute button then clicking …
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Sisyphus' was a mythological figure who had to roll a boulder up a hill, only for the boulder to roll back down again.

Learning to Start Somewhere

Published by Michael Cao
I first learned about the tale of Sisyphus reading a book on Greek mythology. Sisyphus was the king of Corinth, …
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A Turn of Events

Published by Victoria McReynolds
Of all of the unexpected things that have happened this year, I didn’t really expect to be translating once again. …
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