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Hello everyone!

I am so excited to share with you my journey as the Environmental Justice and Education Intern for Nobis Project. My job this summer is to bring environmental justice and history to the forefront of the larger social justice movement. Daily tasks range from researching low-profile sites of environmental injustice in the American Southeast to interviewing local and community experts on their experience with environmental injustice.

What surprised me the most was how many instances of environmental injustice occur right under our noses. Oftentimes people think that environmental injustice occurs far away from where they live, but these crises occur everywhere. I’m really excited about using social media, from blog posts to creating an Instagram account for the organization, to increase engagement with the public and spread the mission of Nobis Project and how important social justice/service-learning work is.

Sometimes I can get confused with how my supervisor wants a certain task to be done. I want to meet and even surpass her standards, but I do the best job that I can and ask questions that help with clarification.

I wonder what exactly this organization does to be successful and stay that way during COVID-19, especially since service-learning is a very hands on experience.

I’m looking forward to giving updates as to how my time as Nobis Project is going! I hope that I can accomplish as much as I want to at Nobis Project.
