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When I met up with a close friend for brunch we discussed the differences between working for a big corporation like Chipotle vs a local cafe owned by a married couple. I explained that working for a corporation was exhausting without reward because you have no idea who you are working for. I believe when you know the business owners, their stories, their purpose, and have a relationship with them, it makes working enjoyable because the sense of community is there. You’re more likely to be able to work through any difficulties with a smile on your face because you’re helping everyday Americans like you accomplish their vision.

I compared working virtually this summer to being a similar experience to that of working for a big corporation with a ghost CEO. Not being able to see where your efforts go or not being able to get to know the people you’re helping has hindered the experience for sure.

While the experience will never be the same, I recently had an experience that allowed me to see the vision and the purpose of the organization I’m working for. The experience was simple. I had a distant friend express her current issues with her citizenship and I was able to provide some counsel and guidance on her next moves and refer her to Catholic Legal Services.

I’m still trying to find joy in these trying and unique times and I must admit that that encounter allowed me to gain some joy. Most importantly, it reminded me that I have the potential (and have been) to provide aid to a lot of people experiencing hardships; my golden reason for applying for this internship. Even the smallest things – like referring someone to an organization – goes a long way.