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My Fifth Week In China

Published by J
Coming upon the conclusion of my fifth week in China, I find myself in a new state.  No longer do …
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Our Work Coming to a Close

Published by CarolineWang
English and arts teaching at Zhuhai No. 9—that’s how this program was characterized in its description. We are just past …
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Eat Pray Love

Published by NadiaFord
I like to think that I am an adventurous person, but at the end of a typical day at Duke, …
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Around the bend

Published by CarolineWang
Sometime over last week, I feel like we rounded the corner of the program. As I was looking at the …
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What’s in a name?

Published by Sara Yuen
(I think Juliet, was trying to say that names shouldn’t really matter, but I think Shakespeare and I would agree …
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I Am American

Published by IreneKoc
I am American. At least that’s what I try to say when kids and adults ask me “what are you? …
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