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My First Week in Portland

Published by Maia Matheny
Perhaps the taxi ride from the airport to the Portland State University dorms doesn’t lend ample time to make this …
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Daily Bus Rides to Threshold

Published by Alice Wu
After carefully hopping over the gap between the muddy patch of grass and the street onto the Bull City Connector, …
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group of people in a park holding signs and banners

Hypocrite or Nah?

Published by Jinny Yoon
Living in Charlotte is really pushing my buttons in different ways. Namely, I keep noticing that people of color rely …
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Farragut North Metro Station

Lessons from the Metro

Published by Katie Ridgway
When I was 16 years old I got a bus pass, not a car. My parents insisted that it would …
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Portland Vocabulary

Published by Hazel Horvath
Learn the language. Learn the culture.   Even having spent only 72 hours in the city of Portland, I have …
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My new succulents (Their names are Fluffy, Kevin, Dale, and Walter)

A City Person

Published by Kristina McKean
Blog from June 24th First, I want to preface this first blog entry by saying that I have never been …
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St Charles Streetcar

Published by Danielle Mayorga-Young
Some people can fall asleep on the streetcar. Personally, I find the ride a little too jostling and jolting to …
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Published by Mikhal Kidane
Public transportation generally has the reputation of being the preferred means of travel for working class commuters. Public transportation is …
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