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Stigma, Stigma, Stigma

Published by Claudia LaRose
When I was in 8th grade, my geography teacher gave a presentation about HIV/AIDS. He made sure to clarify that, …
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A Benediction of Discomfort

Published by Lily Koning
Last weekend, our group visited Peter Storey, a former bishop in the Methodist Church. We sat in a circle in …
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Lost In Translation

Published by Anajli Kunapaneni
It took me a week into the Miami program to realize I was the only person who didn’t know Spanish. …
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people posing on front of mural

A Cog in the Machine

Published by Mochen Ma
“A cog in the machine” is a phrase that is embedded with heavy negative connotation. It reminds us of how …
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Jumbled Head

Published by Bo Yun
To be honest, I came to San Francisco without expectations. Despite the talks about reeking streets, strong emotions, the “life …
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Under the Interstate

Published by Kaitlyn Boncaro
Upon arriving in Santa Ana, California, the second-most populous city in Orange County, I immediately felt out of place. I …
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