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Want to do DukeEngage again? Now you can!


Duke (Re)Engage

(Re)Engage Program Overview

We are excited to announce a brand-new opportunity for DukeEngage alumni to participate in a second summer of immersive work. Open to all students who successfully completed a DukeEngage project, select students will receive funding to do one of the following:

  • Return to their DukeEngage site to conduct original research, including research for a Graduation with Distinction project
  • Return to the location of their DukeEngage site to work with a different organization in the same sector
  • Pursue a project on the same theme as their DukeEngage work, but in a different location. Students may conduct original research, including research for a Graduation with Distinction project, or they may choose to conceptualize a project in conjunction with a local organization.

Funding is available in the amount of up to $5,000 for a domestic project and up to $6,000 for an international project. Funding cannot be combined with any other Duke award. All projects must be at least eight continuous weeks in length.



To apply, students must submit the following by 5:00 pm on Friday, October 18th to with the subject line (Re)Engage:

  1. Three-page proposal, including a one-page literature review that situates the project in a broader context
  2. Preliminary work plan with anticipated outcomes
  3. Budget outline
  4. Names of two faculty references, one of whom will serve as the project supervisor

Preference will be given to solo projects, but teams of two students will also be considered. After an initial review of applications, up to five finalists will be selected. All finalists must be available to pitch their project to the DukeEngage National Advisory Board on the afternoon of Friday, November 8th, 2019.



  • Applicants must have completed a DukeEngage group program or independent project.
  • Students ultimately selected as DukeReEngage recipients will also be expected to return in fall 2020 to present their summer findings to the Board.

Key Dates

  • Application Deadline: 5:00 pm on 10/18/19
  • Pitch Competition: 1:00 pm on 11/8/19
  • Notification: TBD
  • Participation Agreement Deadline: TBD

We hope you will consider applying for this tremendous opportunity! If you have questions or would like more information, please email