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DukeEngage Call for Faculty Proposals. Summer Programs 2023 or 2024. Deadline: September 30, 2022

DukeEngage is accepting proposals for new faculty-led programs in the U.S. and abroad in 2023 and 2024.

DukeEngage is a signature initiative of the University consisting of more than 20 eight-week, faculty-led summer programs, each enabling small groups of students and faculty to collaborate with a community to address critical societal needs through an immersive summer of community engagement. Each program centers around a societal theme—for example, education, engineering, environment, health, human rights, migration, race, or social enterprise.

DukeEngage is considering new international and domestic programs.* We are especially interested in new programs in North Carolina (particularly in Durham and Charlotte), programs in rural U.S. communities, and programs that focus on arts, healthcare, STEM disciplines, race/identity, or the environment.

Proposals for a Summer 2023 program are due September 30, 2022.

For faculty wanting to explore the possibility of a program in Summer 2024, DukeEngage has site exploration funding for logistical research and relationship building with potential partners. We will entertain exploration grants up to $5,000 per program. Site exploration funds can be requested at any time during the year. To request site exploration funds, please send a query to

The Basics


  • Most programs consist of eight students. Smaller and larger numbers are possible.
  • The core of the program for students is full-time work with one or more community organization(s) for eight weeks. Some programs disperse students among multiple organizations, while others work as a team with one organization.
  • Each program begins with mutually beneficial partnership(s) between a faculty Program Director and one or more community organization(s). Student work must be guided by the community and may consist of direct service, capacity building, or research.
  • Work is accompanied by cultural immersion and regular, intentional critical reflection.
  • 2023 programs can run between May 15 – August 25, 2023.
  • DukeEngage hires site coordinators who will be on site for the full eight weeks. Faculty must spend at least the first two weeks on site; ideally
  • The program is fully funded for all participants. In addition to travel and living expenses, program budgets include a small allotment for cultural enrichment.
  • The DukeEngage Program Director role description and general timeline of responsibilities can be found here. Faculty compensation is provided in the form of supplemental summer salary.
  • Additional program development considerations can be found here.


We especially value programs that have one or more of the following characteristics:

  • Arise from existing partnerships
  • Focus on a new or compelling theme
  • Are in a location where there are currently no other repeating DukeEngage programs

Proposals should include:

  1. Faculty director(s) + contact information
  2. Location (city/community, state, country)
  3. Theme (see our website for examples; new themes are welcome)
  4. How long you envision being on site beyond the first two weeks.
  5. Potential partner organizations
  6. Potential full-time student projects/work
  7. Brief description of the community
  8. Your prior experience in the proposed community
  9. Potential prerequisites (language, skills) or academic connections for students

We’re happy to be a sounding board as you consider a proposal. Send any questions you might have to Inga Petersen ( Once we receive your proposal, we will be in touch for more details.

*Domestic programs may be limited to states on Duke’s “approved to hire” list. Contact us for more information.