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This week in Orange County, we put the finishing touches on our lesson plans and prepared for the first week of camp. We got to see OCC, where Eureka! will be held, because we had to move supplies over to the facility.

The weeks highlights however, were not in our work at Girls Inc. On Thursday and Friday, Southern California experienced two large earthquakes. Being from Los Angeles, these were not the first earthquakes I have been a part of, but I have not experienced any this big since I was a little girl. For some of the girls in my cohort, this was the first earthquake they have experienced. When the first one happened, they didn’t really notice until I mentioned it. These earthquakes, while far from our work and home site, definitely reminded me of the damage that could occur due to a large earthquake and takes me back to the many earthquake drills I took part in during elementary, middle, and high school. Hearing the news, that this has already and will continue to create a multitude of earthquakes in the next year is frightening, but it is good to know what to expect.

Going forward, I am excited for camp to start because I will be able to take the lead in the classrooms and meet so many amazing girls. After Family Fun Fest, they seemed so excited for camp, which makes me more comfortable for the first day. I am a bit anxious though because Monday will be the first time I ever take the lead as a facilitator in a classroom. I know I just have to be confident, because that’s what the girls need to see!