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Volunteered with Potluck in the Park | This amazing program has provided a meal for hundreds of Portland residents in need every week since 1991, rain or shine. We helped them set up, get organized, plate food, give out food, and clean up afterwards.



Group Discussion about Environmental Justice with OPAL | We did OPAL Environmental Justice’s EJ 101 training  with Sierra’s supervisor, Shawn Fleek. Then we discussed environmental justice, what it means for Oregonians, and how we should think about it in our own lives.



Visited Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission | The Inter-Tribal Fish Commission described how the rivers and salmon are important to the four Native American tribes that live in the Columbia River basin: the Yakama, Umatilla, Warm Springs, and Nez Perce. We learned about how the tribes are working through the Inter-Tribal Fish Commission to hold governments and developers accountable for protecting the Columbia River and its salmon, so that they can protect their way of life.



Four Weeks Left | None of us can believe that DukeEngage is half over! We will continue to work as hard as possible during our remaining time in Portland.