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Boston Update #3

Published by DukeEngage Boston
Happy July! Now that we are more than halfway through the program, our group has continued to make the most …
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Boston Update #2

Published by DukeEngage Boston
In the last two weeks of June, our DukeEngage group continued to explore Boston and experience everything that this city …
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Tunnel Vision

Published by Meghana Giri
As I begin my long walk from the West Campus bus stop to Gross Hall for my next class, I …
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Time to Do The Work

Published by Harry Liang
On the LEAH Project’s first day of summer youth training, an overcast Friday where each rain cloud that rolled over …
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Boston Update #1

Published by DukeEngage Boston
While we are all working very hard at our nonprofit organizations, we are also finding plenty of time to go …
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The view of Boston from the Root Cause office

Working at Root Cause

Published by Jennie Wang
Hi everyone! I’m Jennie and I’m a rising junior from Portland, Oregon studying economics and psychology. This summer I was …
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The Real #DukeDifference

Published by Ben Thier
Two words, perhaps normal to the average passerby, jumped out to the two of us as we walked along the …
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